This is a daily revelation of God word, that is a means for us hearing from God daily. This revelation begins with the written word.
To get a greater understanding of the language of dew will require the meanings of the number’s and there Biblical meaning’s.
List of the Biblical numbers and there meanings.
1 Unity, New beginnings, priority
2 Union, Godly division, faithfulness witnessing, set apart, manifest power
3 Resurrection, signature of God, Divine completeness and perfection, divinity
4. World, creation
5. Grace of God, God’s goodness, Pentatuch (first five books) overcoming
6. Weakness of man, evil of satan, manifestations of sin
7. Spirit of God, Completeness, Resurrection, Father perfection
8. New birth or beginning
9. (+) Fruits of the Spirit, divine completeness from the Father, (-) judgment and death
10. Testimony, law, responsibility, timelines and carrying out God’s plan
11. (+) heroes rising, selfness service, (-)Judgment, disorder
12. Governmental perfection (12 disciples, tribes, etc.) God’s is in control
13. Depravity, rebellion, Apostasy
14. Deliverance, salvation, fear of the Lord, witness of Him
15. Rest, overcoming death, perfect grace
16. Love, love of God
17. Victory, overcoming
18. (+) life more abundant, (-)Bondage
19. Faith
20. Redemption, waiting, expectancy
21. Sin, sinfulness, exceeding sinfulness of sin
22. Light
23. Death
24. Priesthood
25. Forgiveness of sins, repentance
26. Gospel of Christ
27. Preaching the gospel
28. Life, eternal life, (woman cycle, etc.)
29. Departure
30. Blood of Christ, dedication, beginning of ministry
31. Offspring
32. Covenant
33. Promise
34. Naming of a son
35. Hope
36. Enemy
37. World of God
38. Slavery
39. Disease
40. Trials, probation,testing
42. Lord’s coming,(first and second) Israel’s oppression, first advent
44. Judgment of the world.
45. Preservation
50. Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Jubilee
60. Pride
66. Idol worship
70. Restoration and punishment of Israel
100. God’s election of grace
111. the trinity
119. The resurrection day, Lord’s day, Spiritual perfection and victory, 7×17=119
120. Divine period of probation
144. Spirit – guided life
153. Fruit bearing
200. Insufficiency
222. signs, miracles and wonder
333. God calling you
444. complete creation, the whole world
555. Complete grace, Christ Himself
600. Warfare
666. Antichrist, full lawlessness
777. Christ, perfection of spirit
888. First resurrection Saints, Holy Spirit; The sum of Tree of Life.
1000. Divine completeness and Father of glory.
4000. Salvation of the world through the blood of the Lamb (Those who chose between Christ and antichrist.
6000. Deception of antichrist; second Advent
7000. Final judgment
10,000. Maturity
144,000. Those numbered of Israel
With the biblical meaning of the different numbers, and going to the tab on how to read the dew, one will gain insight into this language.
By going to the internet you can get the dew point for your location. One of the best sites is, or On this site you can get your the dew point number.
Remember there are 4 different numbers, (day, month, year, and the dew point). By cross reference with your calendar and with the Hebrew calendar you can get the number for the month and day.
Your last number is the year. By using the Hebrew calendar we will start using the Psalm for the next year starting in the fall at the time of the feasts of trumpets, (Yom Kippur). Ex: Starting September 21, will beginning using Psalm 118. Psalm 118 for the up coming year of 2018.
You may ask what about a dew point number that there is no biblical meaning, like 54. Start with 50 and use 4 to make 54. For 43, 42 and 1, to make 43. Start with the number that is below the DP number and include the other number required to make the DP number.
The sentence structure is the following:
Verse out of Psalm, month, day, and the dew point.
You will utilize the meanings of the different number to make up a sentence, and paragraph.
Even if the biblical meaning of the number is negative. Within the sentence or paragraph it must be turned into having a positive perspective. Turning a negative into a positive. God can turn something bad into something good.
Note: This is very personalized for you. This requires that you listen to the Holy Spirit within you on what dew point to use. The dew point changes throughout the day. Also if and how you utilize Psalms 118. With the different meaning and how you may arrange them into a sentence.
When looking at how the dew was used in the Old Testament you will find that the message of the dew was always positive. Thus, this language of the dew is always positive. God is love and this is a language of love.